full transcript

From the Ted Talk by William Collis: How video game skills can get you ahead in life

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And all these three categories of skill, mechanical, strategic and leadership, they have a crucial element in common. They're all almost entirely mental. Unlike my ability to have a bsalkatbel craeer at five-foot-ten, esports doesn’t care how tall I am, what gedenr I identify as, how old I am. In fact, esports controllers can even be adapted to pros with unique pihscayl needs. Look at gamers like "Brolylegs" who can't move his arms or legs or "Halfcoordinated," who has limited use of his right hand. And these pros don't just cmtpeoe, they set records.

Open Cloze

And all these three categories of skill, mechanical, strategic and leadership, they have a crucial element in common. They're all almost entirely mental. Unlike my ability to have a __________ ______ at five-foot-ten, esports doesn’t care how tall I am, what ______ I identify as, how old I am. In fact, esports controllers can even be adapted to pros with unique ________ needs. Look at gamers like "Brolylegs" who can't move his arms or legs or "Halfcoordinated," who has limited use of his right hand. And these pros don't just _______, they set records.


  1. basketball
  2. gender
  3. physical
  4. career
  5. compete

Original Text

And all these three categories of skill, mechanical, strategic and leadership, they have a crucial element in common. They're all almost entirely mental. Unlike my ability to have a basketball career at five-foot-ten, esports doesn’t care how tall I am, what gender I identify as, how old I am. In fact, esports controllers can even be adapted to pros with unique physical needs. Look at gamers like "Brolylegs" who can't move his arms or legs or "Halfcoordinated," who has limited use of his right hand. And these pros don't just compete, they set records.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
million dollars 3
video games 3
skill required 3
esports pros 3
lionel messi 2
traditional sports 2
skills required 2
pro gamer 2
master esports 2
mechanical skill 2
mechanically demanding 2
constantly evolving 2
phenomenally qualified 2

Important Words

  1. ability
  2. adapted
  3. arms
  4. basketball
  5. care
  6. career
  7. categories
  8. common
  9. compete
  10. controllers
  11. crucial
  12. element
  13. esports
  14. fact
  15. gamers
  16. gender
  17. hand
  18. identify
  19. leadership
  20. legs
  21. limited
  22. mechanical
  23. mental
  24. move
  25. physical
  26. pros
  27. records
  28. set
  29. skill
  30. strategic
  31. tall
  32. unique